Frequently asked questions:
- Q: Is VCP5 the same as VCP5-DCV? A: "VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5" has been renamed "VMware Certified Professional 5 -Data Center Virtualization" to better highlight the specialization of the certified individual. Similarly, VCP4, VCDX4, and VCDX5 have been renamed VCP4-DCV, VCDX4-DCV, and VCDX5-DCV.
- Q: Why is “VCP5-DV” changing to “VCP5-DCV”? A: “Data center” better matches the industry use of the term and better translates into other languages.
- Q: Why is VMware moving from product-focused to job-role-focused certifications? A: VMware certifications and certification tracks have been designed to meet the demands of the changing IT landscape. VMware's customers and partners confirm the value of certifications that can validate an IT professional's ability to bridge an array of products, solutions, and skill sets and to grow with the evolution of the data center and cloud technologies.
- Q: Why are the VCP logos changing? Why are you no longer using the version numbers? A: The VCP4 and VCP5 certifications have been renamed VMware Certified Professional 4 - Data Center Virtualization and VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center Virtualization respectively. The corresponding logos have been streamlined to emphasize the specialization. Going forward, the new logos will replace the older logos with numbers on items such as logo wear and certificates.
- Q: Can I still use my older logos with numbers? A: Yes, although the recommendation is to the use the most up-to-date logo that reflects the specialization.
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Cloud Infrastructure Administration (VCAP-CIA)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Cloud Infrastructure Design (VCAP-CID)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Cloud Governance (VCAP-CG)
VMware Certified Design Expert – Cloud (VCDX-Cloud)
VMware Certified Professional 4 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP4-DCV)
VMware Certified Professional 5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP5-DCV)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 4 – Data Center Administration (VCAP4-DCA)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Administration (VCAP5-DCA)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 4 – Data Center Design (VCAP4-DCD)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 – Data Center Design (VCAP5-DCD)
VMware Certified Design Expert 4 – Data Center Virtualization (VCDX4-DCV)
VMware Certified Design Expert 5 – Data Center Virtualization (VCDX5-DCV)
VMware Certified Associate 4 – Desktop (VCA4-DT)
VMware Certified Professional 4 – Desktop (VCP4-DT)
VMware Certified Professional 5 – Desktop (VCP5-DT)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Design (VCAP-DTD)
VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Administration (VCAP-DTA)
VMware Certified Design Expert – Desktop (VCDX-DT)
The logo zip files are being published to the Private Portals accessible by certified individuals: