import os import sys import ssl import wifi import socketpool import adafruit_requests import json import time import board from board import * import analogio from analogio import * import digitalio from digitalio import * adc = analogio.AnalogIn(A0) # Grove - Rotary Angle Sensor (Rotary Potentiometer) - Seeed Studio ldr = analogio.AnalogIn(A1) # Grove - Light Sensor button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP18) # Grove - Button button.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT elgato_ip = "" elgato_port = "9123" print("Connecting to WiFi") try: # Connect to the WIFI, use settings.toml to configure SSID and Password'WIFI_SSID'), os.getenv('WIFI_PASSWORD')) print("Connected to WiFi") except Exception as e: # Handle connection error # For this example we will simply print a message and exit the program print("Failed to connect, adorting.") print("Error:\n", str(e)) sys.exit() print("IP address is", pool = socketpool.SocketPool( session = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context()) elgato_url = "http://" + elgato_ip +":"+ elgato_port + "/elgato/lights" #print (elgato_url) old_change = 0 #sync the ldr and potmeter while True: brightness = (round(2*(ldr.value)/1000)) print ("Brightness:" + str(brightness)) temperature = (round((145+(adc.value / 65535.0) * 200))) print ("Temperature:"+ str(temperature)) # temperature of 143 = 7000K 344 = 2900K switch = (button.value) print ("Switch:" + str(int(switch))) new_change = brightness + temperature + switch print (new_change) if (old_change != new_change): #Only send a request when something has changed old_change = new_change ResponseGet = session.get(elgato_url) # example response: {"numberOfLights":1,"lights":[{"on":1,"brightness":89,"temperature":176}]} JsonResp = ResponseGet.json() for item in JsonResp["lights"]: on = item.get('on') payload = json.dumps({ "lights": [ { "on": on ^ switch, # Exclusive OR (XOR) on the currect state and the switch for toggle. "brightness": brightness, "temperature": temperature } ], "numberOfLights": 1 }) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = session.put(elgato_url, headers=headers, data=payload) # put the JSON payload into the light time.sleep(0.5) # Don't overwhelm the elgato API