VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical Deepdive zooms in on two key components of every VMware based infrastructure and is by no means a "how to" guide. It covers the basic steps needed to create a VMware HA and DRS cluster, but even more important explains the concepts and mechanisms behind HA and DRS which will enable you to make well educated decisions. This book will take you in to the trenches of HA and DRS and will give you the tools to understand and implement e.g. HA admission control policies, DRS resource pools and host affinity rules. On top of that each section contains basic design principles that can be used for designing, implementing or improving VMware infrastructures.
Coverage includes
- HA node types
- HA isolation detection and response
- HA admission control
- VM Monitoring
- HA and DRS integration
- DRS imbalance algorithm
- Resource Pools
- Impact of reservations and limits
- CPU Resource Scheduling
- Memory Scheduler
The video
Last week I already received a proof copy of the new book by Duncan and Frank and I must say that I’m impressed. When you think - you know everything there is to know about HA and DRS, you should definitely read it. You will be amazed with the amount of detailed information about vSphere 4.1 DRS and HA clustering. Two other great takeaways are the “clear timelines” and “best practices”. I’ve recorded a video in which I’ll dive into some of the stuff I’ve seen in “VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical deepdive”. I hope you enjoy it.
About the authors
Duncan Epping (VCDX 007) is a Consulting Architect working for VMware as part of the Cloud Practice. Duncan works primarily with Service Providers and large Enterprise customers. He is focused on designing Public Cloud Infrastructures and specializes in vCloud Director, VMware HA and vSphere in general. Duncan is the owner of Yellow-Bricks.com, the leading Virtualization/VMware blog.
Frank Denneman (VCDX 029) is a Consulting Architect working for VMware as part of the Professional Services Organization. Frank works primarily with large Enterprise customers and Service Providers. He specializes in Resource Management, DRS and storage. Frank is the owner of frankdenneman.nl which has recently been voted number 6 worldwide on vsphere-land.com.
How to order?
VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical deepdive (ISBN 1456301446) is available for order at createspace, Amazon and comcol.