The VMworld 2013 US has come to an end and everyone is slowly leaving San Francisco. The crew of VMworldTV created an immense amount of videos which will give you a good insight in what has been happening. The content of the videos is ranging from "technical deep-dives" to "meet the teams" and "behind the scenes".
I want to give a BIG compliment to my co-host Jeremy van Doorn, yes the guy with the beard :) Also BIG thanks goes out to our producer Ian Oakley and his team over at WhitestoneMedia. These guys were working day and night to capture, edit and upload all the videos.
I’ve created a list with more than 40 videos, if you just want to get a quick overview I would recommend to watch the highlights and the final day video – they’re real fun. Enjoy!!!
Wrapping up VMworld 2013 with VMworld TV!