Perform Backups of VMs
vizioncore's esxRanger
esxRanger from vizioncore is software that can schedule online hot backups of guest OSs on VMware ESX Server. esxRanger can back up virtual machines (VMs) locally or across the WAN by compressing the disks before sending them to the destination server. You can schedule esxRanger to run using the standard Windows scheduler. You don't need agents on the ESX servers or the guest OSs.
Richard Ewalt
Oak Brook, Illinois
Richard Ewalt of Oak Brook, Illinois, provides high praise for vizioncore's esxRanger. He says, "esxRanger is a hot product. We use it to back up approximately 15 VMware ESX servers and 100 virtual machines. This product can back up all of our ESX servers from one Windows terminal, so we don't have to touch each ESX server. We can even give access to non-administrators to back up their own virtual machines on the ESX server without giving them ESX server access. This product will also compress the virtual machines (.dsk files) to conserve space on the destination backup location, and since the machines are compressed, we can send them over a T1 line to an offsite location for disaster recovery. esxRanger also lets us perform hot backups by snapping a redo log before copying, then applying the redo log afterward.